Saturday, 14 January 2012

179 Days To Go: Part 1

So, having downloaded Blogger for my iPhone, I very quickly realise something. You get on a roll with a keyboard, not so much on a touchpad...

Got a massive smile on my face today. My parents birthday present came a little early and, after a little bit of accountancy (I can't call what I did 'maths' because I actually enjoyed it), I can see that my summer is going to be awesome. With a capital 'f***ing'. That's not to be misconstrued as my holiday being some sort of jerk(off)fest, but just my first ever holiday that I planned, (mostly) financed and went on, all on my own. It seems that growing up does have some sort of benefit. Then again, so does eating chocolate and bacon apparently.

So I'm fat AND responsible. So long as I'm not a twig and shoving my head down the toilet, I can take fat geek jokes.

This, rather boring, Saturday also gave me the time to rip a couple of CDs for my mates (of which some of those songs are in my all time favourites) and install Unreal Tournament 2004. Now, I don't know how many of you who read my blogs are FPS fans... I'm not a huge one myself. But there is something about shooting the rear end off a robot that I find both hysterical and entertaining. So for those who think COD is too elite, Battlefield is too s***e and think Doom expired when they changed the name of Marathon bars to Snickers, then Unreal is your game.

Although having said that, I had the difficulty setting on 'Novice'. I like to ease into what I like. Hehe.

On, possibly the slowest day of my life, I ended up getting the most washing up done I've ever seen. Not only this, but I got my printing done AND decided on what I'm going to get with some leftover money. If that isn't enough, I only recently made the discovery of fresh air. Which tells me one thing. I was a geek at home and even then, got MORE fresh air then at university, where I'm supposedly going out, having drinks and walking to placement.

And it's going to cost kids £12k a year now to do that. Just stick some trance on and play a game at home. You are the future of Britain.

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